EMS Group:
Net sales and result at economic boom levels
Shortages cause raw material prices to escalate
Additional payment of a special dividend in 2010
Course of business January – March 2010
EMS Group:
Net sales and result at economic boom levels
Shortages cause raw material prices to escalate
Additional payment of a special dividend in 2010
Course of business January – March 2010
With its companies combined in the EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG and with global activities
in the business areas Performance Polymers and Fine Chemicals / Engineering,
the EMS Group achieved net sales to the amount of CHF 404 million (254) in the first
three months of 2010. This is 59.1% higher than in the same period of the previous year.
On a comparable basis (in exchange rate adjusted terms and with the same scope of
consolidation), net sales again reached the record level of the first quarter 2008.