- 1,655 people followed the invitation to Domat/Ems
- "Appenzeller Echo" inspired the shareholders together with the "Alphorn Duet Gebrüder Frick" and a young Hierig dance duo.
- Largest mobile rapid-test infrastructure in Switzerland
- 1,655 people followed the invitation to Domat/Ems
- "Appenzeller Echo" inspired the shareholders together with the "Alphorn Duet Gebrüder Frick" and a young Hierig dance duo.
- Largest mobile rapid-test infrastructure in Switzerland
The invitation from the EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG was followed on August 7, 2021 by a large gathering of 1,655 people. This makes EMS the first company listed on the stock exchange to organise its Annual General Meeting after the Corona pandemic as a major event again. Following guidelines from the Swiss Federal Council for major events, entry was only possible with a valid Covid-19 certificate. The largest mobile rapid testing infrastructure in Switzerland was installed for shareholders without a valid Covid-19 certificate.
The general meeting was given an original musical accompaniment by well-known musicians: The "Appenzeller Echo" together with the "Alphorn Duet Gebrüder Frick" and young Hierig dance duo. The versatile musicians from Eastern Switzerland, who have performed at many traditional music gatherings and numerous music festivals, amazed the shareholders with their folk music interludes from various global regions. The dynamic finale was an exceptional Appenzell romantic dance by two young Hierig pantomime dancers.
Further highlights were the presentation by EMS apprentices and employees of innovations using EMS high-performance polymers under the motto, "EMS – always powered up!" Shown were a range of exclusively designed lifestyle devices made of extremely robust EMS polymers, such as the revolutionary new "Aftershokz" headsets which transmit sound via the skull without ear plugs. Flame retardant and very tough EMS special polymers are also used for circuit breakers in low and medium voltage systems as well as for protective cable systems ensuring a safe power supply in the Gotthard Base railway tunnel. Not forgetting the heat-resistant and colour-fest housings or thermal interface material from EMS-EFTEC for use in the construction of electrical cars.
According to tradition, the finale of the event was a performance by the Drum Corps Domat/Ems in their historic uniforms and led by Drum Major Tamino Weggler.
As official business, the Annual General Meeting approved all proposals from the Board of Directors. Shareholders will receive an ordinary dividend of CHF 13.00 gross and an extraordinary dividend of CHF 4.00 gross for each dividend-bearing share. Payment of dividends will commence on August 12, 2021. EMS shares will be traded ex-dividend from August 10, 2021.
Re-elected as members of the Board of Directors for a further one-year term were Bernhard Merki (Chairman), Magdalena Martullo (Vice-Chairman), Dr. Joachim Streu and Christoph Mäder. Also confirmed in office for a further one-year term were Ernst & Young AG, Zurich, as statutory auditor and Dr. iur. Robert K. Däppen as independent proxy.
In the expansive marquee at the Domat/Ems production site, shareholders were again treated to a tasty lunch menu. 10 chefs from Toblers Event Catering AG, with 35 helpers from the Männerriege Tamins, the Ladies Gymnastics Club Trin and the Country Women's' Association Imboden, were responsible for preparation of 3,900 melon slices, 45 kg Grisons air-dried ham, 465 kg Mesolcina beef rolls, 250 kg cabbage turnip, 120 kg polenta and 240 kg chocolate mousse. The 3-course lunch was served to the 1,655 participants by 65 members of various local clubs.
Following the meal, participants were able to visit the very popular exhibition* about the history of EMS-CHEMIE (more than 26,000 visitors to date) as well as the first Grisons Science Center EMSORAMA** (more than 16,000 visitors to date).
* The exhibition "The unbelievable history of EMS-CHEMIE" is open for group visits of 10 or more people per group free of charge following advance registration by email: ausstellung@emschemie.ch, or by phone +41 81 632 78 78. Further information can be found at www.ems-group.com.
** The first Grisons Science Center "EMSORAMA" is open for group visits of 10 or more people per group free of charge following advance registration at: www.emsorama.ch or by phone: + 41 81 632 78 78.