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Duration of the mandate and term of office of the lead auditor

BDO AG, Schiffbaustrasse 2, 8031 Zurich, Switzerland, has acted as the statutory auditor of EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG since 2022. The statutory auditor is appointed by the Annual General Meeting for a one-year term of office. Willy Hofstetter has been the lead auditor since 2022. The person, leading the revision, is allowed to execute the mandate for seven years at the longest (art. 730a par. 2 CO).

Audit fees

The EMS Group paid BDO AG a global total of CHF 655 000 for services relating to the audit of the Group's annual financial statements.

Additional fees

BDO invoiced additional services worth CHF 10 000 in 2023.

Information tools pertaining to the external audit

The Audit Committee monitors the independence and performance of the independent statutory auditor on behalf of the Board of Directors and verifies the financial reporting of EMS (regarding the meetings held see section 3.5, page 12). The independent statutory auditor was invited to attend one meeting of the Audit Committee. Executive Management is responsible for financial accounting and continuous financial reporting, including the internal control system. The independent statutory auditor, BDO AG, is responsible for giving an opinion on whether the accounting records and the annual financial statements comply with Swiss law and the company’s Articles of Association. BDO AG is responsible for providing an assessment of the consolidated financial statements (income statement, statement of comprehensive income, balance sheet, changes in equity, statement of cash flows and notes), in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and with Swiss law. The Audit Committee is also responsible for monitoring the relevant activities of Executive Management and the independent statutory auditor.