Am 15. Juni 2019 öffnete die EMS-CHEMIE ihre Tore für die Öffentlichkeit und sie kamen in Scharen. Bei sommerlichen Temperaturen bestaunten 13'800 Besucher sowie rund 150 Gäste aus Wirtschaft und Politik die Entwicklung und Produktionsanlagen des grössten Bündner Arbeitgebers und Lehrlingsausbildners und tauchten in die faszinierende Welt der Spezialkunststoffe ein. Mit den vielen Attraktionen, dem abwechslungsreichen lokalen Bühnenprogramm sowie der grosszügigen Verpflegung, bereitgestellt durch Gastro Graubünden, herrschte auf dem ganzen Werkplatz Hochstimmung bei Gross und Klein!
Only in german - At the heart of the mountainous Canton Grisons, EMS CHEMIE manufacturers around 100,000 tons of high-performance plastics each year for customers throughout the world. This requires a corresponding amount of raw materials which are delivered to the production site at Domat/Ems by international suppliers and then processed here. The finished products are then distributed to customers in the whole world again. Logistics is the magic word here and requires a large, highly-qualified and specialised work force.
The Canton Grisons has got a new visual identity. Check out the movie "Graubünden Grischun Grigioni".
Only in german - Learn more about EMS-GRIVORY in an interview with
Only in german - A successful apprenticeship thanks to EMS and emax!
Only in german - After a pause of 9 years, EMS-CHEMIE AG again held an Open Day on Saturday, June 2, 2007. In cool and dry weather, more than 13,000 visitors as well as numerous prominent guests took the opportunity to tour the production site at Domat/Ems (GR) and to take part in the many attractions provided.
Only in german - 6500 people followed the invitation to visit the production site. A tour of all important site locations, a film and a special exhibition provided visitors with detailed information about the activities of EMS. Get to know our healthy, modern and innovative company which manufactures useful products in a sensible way.