Hero background

Members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG is made up of the following four members:

Bernhard Merki

Member of the Board of Directors ** since August 2014
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the Sustainability Committee

Dipl. Masch. Ing. HTL, Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland

Date of birth: December 21, 1962
Nationality: Swiss citizen

Curriculum Vitae

Magdalena Martullo-Blocher

Since August 2001 member of the Board of Directors *
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chief Executive Officer

Master of Business Administration, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Date of birth: August 13, 1969
Nationality: Swiss citizen

Curriculum Vitae


Rainer Roten

Since August 2023 member of the Board of Directors **
Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
Member of the Audit Committee
Member of the Sustainability Committee

Business Economist University of Applied Sciences, MBA, Universities of Rochester New York, USA and Bern, Switzerland

Date of birth: May 1, 1966
Nationality: Swiss citizen

Curriculum Vitae

Kaspar Kelterborn

Member of the Board of Directors as of August 2024**
MBA University of St. Gallen (HSG), St. Gallen Switzerland

Date of birth: March 22, 1964
Nationality: Swiss citizen

Curriculum Vitae


* executive member
** non-executive member

None of the non-executive members of the Board of Directors have ever been a member of any Executive Management within the EMS Group. None currently have a direct or indirect business relationship with companies in the EMS Group.