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Share Performance

Share Performance

Number of registered shares23’389’02823’389’02823’389’02823’389’02823’389’028
Shares entitled to dividend23’389’02823’389’02823’389’02823’389’02823’389’028
Treasury shares00000
Information per share (in CHF):     
Dividend per share16.001)20.0021.0017.0020.00
Of which ordinary dividend12.7515.7516.5013.0015.60
Of which extraordinary dividend3.254.254.504.004.40
Earnings per share19.5622.7523.5318.5722.54
Cash flow per share 2)24.6515.6422.1620.1623.61
Equity per share 3)74.4777.6376.9168.3271.09
Stock prices 4)     
At December 31681.00626.001'021.00853.00636.50
Market capitalization (CHF millions)     
on December 3115'927.914'641.523'880.219'950.814'887.1
Registered shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
 Security numberISINInvestdata / Reuters

1) Proposal of the Board of Directors. 

2) Cash flow = Cash flow from operating activities

3) Excluding non-controlling interests. 

4) Source: SIX Swiss Exchange AG.