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Exhibition "EMS-CHEMIE - an incredible story"

Since its opening at the beginning of 2011, more than 31'000 people have visited the EMS-CHEMIE exhibition and interest remains high. For this reason, EMS-CHEMIE has decided to extend the exhibition.

At the end of January 2011 the imposing exhibition was opened at the production site in Domat/Ems on the occasion of the 75-year anniversary of EMS-CHEMIE. Since then the exhibition has been open free of charge with guided tours for registered groups and more than 31'000 enthusiastic visitors have taken advantage of this offer. Due to the continuing interest shown by companies, clubs, associations, school classes, authorities and other groups from throughout Switzerland, EMS-CHEMIE has decided to extend the exhibition.

This unique exhibition shows in an impressive way for both young and old, experts and lay people, the eventful history of this traditional company located in the Grisons area of the Swiss alps: How did the manufacturer of "Emser Water" (substitute fuel made from waste timber) during the second world war develop into an international company producing high-performance plastics? Around 140 photographs, more than 300 historic documents, requisites and plant components as well as more than 600 examples of products and applications from all periods of the company's history let this exciting episode in Swiss economic history be experienced over an area of 1400 m2!

The exhibition is open to registered groups. Long-serving previous employees act as guides for the groups answering questions and recounting an anecdote or two.

We look forward to your visit!

EMS-Exhibition "EMS-CHEMIE - an incredible story" - registration form

Personal data


Date requested

Length of tour: 90 Min.


Mrs. Pascale Beer, EMS-CHEMIE AG 
+41 81 632 78 78 


Arriving by train 

EMS-CHEMIE AG has its own railway station: www.sbb.ch (Haltestelle Domat/Ems Werk)

Images EMS-Exhibition
Grand Opening of the EMS-Exhibition
Grand Opening of the EMS-Exhibition
The area near Domat/Ems in 1920 before construction of the Holzverzuckerungs AG (HOVAG).
Werner Oswald founded the Holzverzuckerungs AG in 1936 at the age of 32.
Winter 191/1942: Construction of the saccharification plant superstructure.
1940s / 50s: Construction and operation of the Holzverzuckerung (production of 'Emser Water').
The timber mills need a continuous supply of wood.
… which is shredded and fed into the percolators
The end of the era of saccharification: National referendum poster opposing the Emser bill in 1956
National referendum poster supporting the bill.
Apprenticeship documents of the first apprentice to work for the Holzverzuckerungs AG, chemical laboratory assistant, Daniel Caluori.
Daniel Caluori at the 75-year celebrations.
The negative referendum decision opens up the Swiss fertiliser market. On the Monday after the vote, the first rail wagons with urea left the production site in Domat/Ems
Yarn manufacture around 1960
Development of special, customer-specific special yarns already during the 1960s and 1970s.
1951 - 1999: Production and sales of textile fibres made of nylon
The popular Grilon® fibres from Domat/Ems in sheer ladies stockings
1969: The postgraduate Christoph Blocher starts part-time work in the legal department of the Emser Werke.
The Blocher family visit the new INVENTA fibre factory at Xinhui on their adventurous business trip through China in 1985.
Working without electrical aides in the 1960s / 1970s
Growth needs capital: EMS takes the opportunity presented in the mid 1980s and sells the valuabale piece of land "Zur Schanzenbruecke" in Zurich to the SBG bank (today UBS) at a record price.
1989 foundation of the plastics joint-venture EMS-FAR EASTERN in Taiwan (today EMS-CHEMIE TAIWAN). The industrial production was set up in an old shoe factory.
Necessity is the mother of invention: After competitor Hüls stops delivery of the raw material laurolactam with the intention of forcing EMS out of the market, in 1991 EMS builds its own laurolactam plant in Japan together with Japanese partner UBE Industries.
Purchase of the Schweizerischen Sprengstofffabrik AG (SSF) 1987 (today DOTTIKON EXCLUSIVE SYNTHESIS) based in Dottikon (Switzerland).
The improved liquidity situation was used for acquisitions: 1985 purchase of the TOGO Group (today EMS-EFTEC) with headquarters in Romanshorn (Switzerland).
From 1980: Production of speciality plastic materials
Pressure reactor and blow-down bottle for the polymerisation of speciality plastics
The shaped plastic is cut into granules in the granluator
View inside the first polymerisation plant in 1950
EFTEC Wuhu (China) is opened in 2010 as third EFTEC plant in China and as a supplier to the Chinese automotive industry
New, specialised applications are developed together with customers in the application development centre.
2001: Magdalena Martullo, the oldest daughter of Christoph Blocher, enters the company. Together they illustrate the strength of EMS' plastics.
Magdalena Martullo places greatr priority on speciality products, above all on high-performance technical plastics.
Magdalena Martullo and Christoph Blocher at the EMS-Exhibition
Magdalena Martullo at the EMS-Exhibition
Automotive applications
Automotive applications
Electro and Electronic applications
Applications in the field of consumer goods
Optical applications
Packaging applications
Industry, construction and sanitary applications
Long-serving previous employees act as guides for the groups.
Long-serving previous employees act as guides for the groups.
Examples of applications